Quantitative Resume

Rausser College’s Master of Climate Solutions practices holistic admission, where each applicant’s unique experience, in addition to their professional experience and academic background, is incorporated into the application review. Applicants are allowed to submit their GRE scores, but it is not mandatory. Those who submit high GRE scores will not be considered “better” or “more qualified” than those who do not submit their GRE scores.

In order to assess the applicant’s quantitative aptitude, the application requires a Quantitative Resume. It is important that each Quantitative Resume follows the below format so that the information is easily readable. It is also important to include academic, research, professional experiences where quantitative skills were acquired/used.

For academic courses, be sure to list the following information:

  • Course title
  • Institution Name
  • Term taken
  • Grade
  • A brief description (including bullet points) of what the course covered.

For professional experience, be sure to include the following information:

  • Job title
  • Institution name
  • Appointment period
  • A brief description of a project and the bullet points of tools utilized.

Sample Quantitative Resume

Courses and ExperiencesDescription
Sociology 106
UC Berkeley
Fall 2015
Quantitative Sociological Methods
Probability theory and models of distributions
Confidence intervals
Linear and logistic regression
Engineering 182
UC Berkeley
Fall 2015
Introduction to Data Science with Python
Algorithms, Pandas (Python Package), Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, R (Programming Language), NumPy, Scientific Methods, Python (Programming Language), Matplotlib, Scikit-learn (Machine Learning Library), Parsing, Machine Learning
Environmental Science 176
UC Berkeley
Spring 2015
Geospatial Analysis with ArcGIS
ArcGIS Pro
Network analysis
Heatmaps and hot spot analysis
Spatial data for storytelling
Data 4AC
UC Berkeley
Fall 2016
Data and Justice
Data collection, visualization, and analysis
Collaborative and creative projects with data science using real-world data
Statistics 20
UC Berkeley
Spring 2016
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Relative frequencies
Discrete probability
Random variables
Testing hypotheses
Research Assistant
UC Berkeley
Summer 2015
Worked with Professor Cybelle Fox on the impact of the rise of legal status restrictions in state welfare policy in the 1970s
Data cleaning
Initial data analysis using STATA
Affirm – Intern
Summer 2016
Quantitative Markets Analyst
Data analysis
Expanded structuring, monitoring, and analysis capabilities
Developed automation tools and optimize models
Built data-driven models to analyze and predict the performance of Affirm’s consumer loans

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